Image of Daybook blogger celebrating 350 subscribers
Kristy Dodson
Kristy Dodson


What does it feel like to speak in front of a group? When I taught in a classroom, it was second nature to speak in front of 30 to 80 people daily. Now, I write, and my audience is different. So, I have changed my perspective. I no longer have faces looking back. I now have you, the reader of my written word. You are my milestone.

Daybook Milestone

Daybook Blog has reached 350 subscribers!! To think about speaking to 350 people at once excites me and scares me, but mostly it invigorates me. To some this number is small, but for me, it is pure encouragement. This number signifies others who have similar interests, and concerns and are excited about the curiosities of life.

She Has Been There

When I walked away from my teaching career, I turned inward. I packed my supplies (they are still in my basement…another story for another day) and I went home. Home is where I stayed, and I began a journey of self-discovery. The person I found was someone I had never allowed to come to the surface. She had been there all along but never given a voice.

Riding Along With Me

The story I write now has existed my whole life. There has always been a manuscript trapped in my mind. Like a record, it plays until it reaches a groove. Then it is turned over, changed, or quieted for a time. The difference is I am no longer the only one hearing the words. You are here. You are sharing this journey with me and 349 others. It’s as though I have been driving alone in my car for years and suddenly, I look in the mirror and find friends riding along with me.

Daybook Began

The difference is I’ve turned up the volume and decided to let the story play so we can all listen together. The stories that lived in my head for so long soon became Daybook. I just started writing, and discovery quickly followed. Daybook is now everything you discover about yourself when you allow your curiosity to reveal the endearing experiences of life that define you.

You Are My Milestone

Thank you for joining me on this journey to live a life we choose instead of settling. 350 is the number on the screen, but you are the milestone. Daybook is The Curiosity of You!

Stay Curious,

Daybook The Curiosity of You
Kristy Dodson

Kristy Dodson

I’m Kristy, the Daybook curiosity guide. Daybook is my archive of daily goings-on and journal for recording thoughts. Visit often, comment and let’s stay curious.


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