brass mouse figure with big ears

Collecting Brass Animal Figures: 3 or more Make a collection

Picture of Kristy Dodson
Kristy Dodson


For whatever reason, I have tried to deny that I am a collector. Did it get a bad rap years ago because of the word hoarders? Maybe so, but now I am embracing it because I know that a good collection tells a story, creates history, and simply brings joy to my life. I am newly drawn to decorative brass. In particular, collecting brass animal figures that bring curiosity to a shelf or a stack of books and simply give life to a quiet corner.

grandmother opening a gift

I have sweet memories of my grandmother’s collections around her home. She had a unique bell collection and was a collector of all things “owls”. I’m lucky enough to have a few of her collected pieces; they are my connection to her.

I recently asked myself what makes my things become collections? A simple definition from Merriam-Webster confirms that yes, I have a collection (if I am being honest, I have many!) I guess what I have always heard still holds true: have 3 or more of something that you love and you find yourself becoming a collector with a collection.

: something collected

especially: an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby

Merriam Webster Dictionary

My Brass Animal Figure Collection: 3 Or More Make A Collection

brass mouse figure

This little guy was my first brass animal. I do not know how I came to have this, but I have had it since I was young. I recently grabbed it from my childhood bedroom after seeing one in Texas.

Maybe “collecting” is my way of justifying my purchases; collections create history, bring back sweet memories and spark conversation among friends.
brass owl figure

This brass owl was added before my collection was a collection. It was part of my grandmother’s owl collection.

All of these were purchased while in Texas. The fish tray came from Bar W in Warrenton, Texas, and was covered in dust and grime- it was worth a little digging! I later saw an identical one for three times the price! The big-eared mouse was tucked away in an antique booth at Marburger Farm in Texas; he was just waiting on me to take him home. In LaGrange, Texas I popped into a tight little antique store while waiting on friends and I found this tiny brass pitcher. I need to find its history. Have you seen anything like this? It has a palm tree etched on one side and a camel on the other. Talk about a conversation starter.

What will you collect?

A brass animal figure collection in a wooden display case
An inspiring collection of brass animal figures.

Maybe after reading this you too will be fond of the word collecting. Find something that sparks nostalgia within you and just go for it. Remember…3 or more make a collection and a collection creates joy! Once you find it, I hope you’ll share it.

Daybook The Curiosity of You
Picture of Kristy Dodson

Kristy Dodson

I’m Kristy, the Daybook curiosity guide. Daybook is my archive of daily goings-on and journal for recording thoughts. Visit often, comment and let’s stay curious.


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