crewel embroidery piece with wooden hoop

Captured my Eyes and Emotions

Picture of Kristy Dodson
Kristy Dodson


I have a love for so many art forms. I would even be willing to say that thrifting has become an extension of my artistic side. Whether I am at an estate sale or a thrift store, I find I am drawn to textures, lines, color, and how a piece makes me feel. Recently, my love for thrifting, antiquing and creating came together in a crewel embroidery kit. It captured my eyes and quickly sparked a lot of emotions. This was $3 well spent!

My Mom, My Inspiration

I’ve dabbled in many arts….painting, printmaking, decorating, interior design, and gardening just to name a few. However, no matter where I find myself, needlework always captures my eye. Growing up I learned how to cross-stitch and make macrame with my mom. We made pillows, wall hangings, purses, and framed many sampler pieces. I am so grateful for her willingness to try new things and her desire to share them with me and my sister. She is always creating something beautiful with her hands.

Later in life, I became a teacher and found myself surrounded by so many creative women. These ladies are writers, artists, comedians, and certainly gifted teachers. Cathy not only taught both of my children but was also on my teaching team for several years. She and I became fast friends.

Keep the Treasures

Cathy had a love for needlework and had such a gifted hand. She was one of the most organized women I have ever known! She and I share a love for art and for God’s word. Sadly, she passed away too soon. I was honored to find that she left a lot of her craft supplies with me. We tucked them away in the garage thinking I did not have time. On many occasions, I considered donating them to someone else, but there was always a tug in my soul that said no, keep them for a day that is coming. Today was that day. This embroidery kit reminded me of her craft boxes so I climbed the ladder, brushed off the dust, and found my friend’s treasures. Again, art captured my eyes and my emotions.

What is Crewel Embroidery Anyway?

It didn’t take long for my love of needlework to kick in when I spotted this vintage embroidery kit. Did you know there are so many different types of embroidery? The kit I was lucky enough to find is Crewel embroidery. Crewel embroidery is a type of surface embroidery that uses wool threads and yarn. True crewel embroidery uses a 2-ply wool thread that is called crewel, which gives the embroidery its name. [1]What is Crewel Embroidery? It dates back to medieval times but is known for its presence in Jacobean history around the 17th century. This embroidery style would be on tapestries and even clothing; not so unlike today, right? Its signature look is bold colors and floral designs which is no doubt why it captured my eyes!

bright colored embroidered floral pillow

This is probably not real crewel embroidery (although an awfully good replica) but this is the style. I was lucky to find this at HomeGoods.

Look Around…Embroidery is Everywhere!

In fact, the more I look around my house the more I realize how embroidery is all around me. Do you have a love for needlework? I bet if you look around, you too may find some art in your everyday life. Maybe it has captured your eyes and stirred some emotions. Curiosity will do that if you let your passion and life lessons guide your days.

pink butterfly clipart


1 What is Crewel Embroidery?
Picture of Kristy Dodson

Kristy Dodson

I’m Kristy, the Daybook curiosity guide. Daybook is my archive of daily goings-on and journal for recording thoughts. Visit often, comment and let’s stay curious.


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